Saturday, June 25, 2011

Since I have internet

Disaster deployment is over! We are over halfway back to Perry Point, and needless to say I'm quite happy for the change of pace. Disaster was not really what I thought it was going to be, a lot of what we did was unfortunately not as helpful as we could have been. Although our last two days in Alabama we were able to help demolish part of a house which was incredibly helpful to the homeowners. Needless to say I'm glad we were able to come down and do work but I'm definitely glad we're on our way back.

We also found out our third round project. NEW YORK HERE WE COME! I'm so excited, the project is very environmental, we're working with the Hudson River Watershed, but we're staying at Mount St. Mary's College right next to West Point for the first half and then in Younkers for the second half. We are so close to NYC I am so excited. Anyway here's some pictures!

Kiera, me, and Josh picking up shingles

The team with Kathy and David


Yanking down a wall

Matt's...I don't know what face

TL and the ATLs

The team!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pictures! Yes be excited

Here's a nice large photo dump, enjoy. I really have nothing to say except for only a week and a half left in Alabama.
Working in the warehouse

Warehouse #2

Debris removal

Warehouse #3

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Joys of Steamy hot Alabama

Since it's been awhile since I last updated, sorry been busy, not had internet, laptop has a virus. I'm now in Jasper, Alabama home of Bevill State Community College, a very small area. It's not bad, incredibly hot, but not bad. The work we're doing involves working in warehouses sorting clothes, which needless to say is quite tiring after awhile. It's been really hard for most of the team to see the impact of what we're doing when we're just not seeing people come into these warehouses for goods relating to disaster. My team is also happily storming which tends to make things a bit stressful. It's also been well over 100 degrees the past week which just makes it so hard to stay motivated to work in the warehouses. It's overall mildly stressful, but the housing is nice and air conditioned and we're near a pool and lake. We also found out we're here through round 2 then heading back to the point. So I'll be in steamy hot Alabama until probably June 23.

I'm definitely ready to come home and just have a much needed break thats for sure. I'll update again when I have a chance, pictures will most likely not be coming until I get home in July so sorry for that it's a joy having a virus on my laptop. Till then!