Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Final Conclusion

It has been two weeks and I think I'm ready for a final wrap up. This will be the last post in this blog because it is time to move forward in my life story. I read back to my beginning posts and was so surprised to see how much I loved what I was doing, it's weird for me to see the progression of my feelings for the program throughout the year. It's also really easy to see that moment when I became so very fed up with the program and it's easily seen my attempts to enjoy it again. I don't really know what more I can say about the program itself so instead for my big ol' of a wrap up I'm going to steal a bit from Jen Horan, Raven Unit Leader extraordinaire.

I Have Learned.....
I Have Learned that over 10 months you truly learn how to appreciate the little things. Second helpings of dinner, an apply for lunch, 5 minutes of silence.
I Have Learned that inspirational people are everywhere.
I Have Learned that I never want to live with 10 people ever again, you know how awful it is to share one kitchen and bathroom?
I Have Learned that a 15-P van feels like a short bus for adults.
I Have Learned that headphones may without a doubt be the best invention ever.
I Have Learned to always wear your seatbelt.
I Have Learned the reason why you call them family.
I Have Learned that there are people dedicated to making a difference and changing the world.
I Have Learned that no one understands the Big 10 unless they live the Big 10.
I Have Learned that pulling weeds sucks and I will make sure to hire a gardener whenever I own my own house.
I Have Learned that drinking and then attempting to work at 7:30 the next morning in the summer sun may kill you, or at least make you pass out on a sidewalk during lunch.
I Have Learned, most importantly, that regardless of how much I hated things and how much bullshit there was that there were things I absolutely loved about this past year. Be that people or places or experiences, and without a doubt I would not take those away for one second because where would I be at this point without them.

So to my Raven 5 family; I love you, I miss you, and no really actually I hate you and your smelly selves. To my roommates; thank you so much for the sanity you provided me every transition. To the many other wonderful people I was able to meet and become friends with; we may meet again and we may not but thank you for the moments that you gave.

In closing (I will display my incredible level of nerd); "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"- Albus Dumbledore

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